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An Antique Timber Desk

Every now and then I like to treat myself to a piece that I know is going to be a keeper, well at least for a little while anyway.
I found this gorgeous timber antique desk at the thrift store yes that’s true. I knew it was going to be on the expensive side as most thrift stores seem to be overpriced these days. But it must of been my lucky day and in the car it went.
I love the wide timber panels, it has such character don’t you think? 

Gorgeous over-sized pigeon hole cabinet that I have just finished painting white. 

Now I will just have to find the perfect spot for it.
I will share some more finds with you next week.

Enjoy your weekend.


Posted by Picasa
September 8, 2011
September 10, 2011



  1. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    Lovely! That's a great find. Must come over and check out your shop again soon.

  2. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    Hi Sandy,

    I am a new reader, found your blog on Mel's blog Stripes by the Seaside. Loving all your work!

    I am in Toowoomba so am planning a trip down to Brissy to go to the market and see all your lovely goodies, looking forward to it.

    I also just read your post on your kitchen countertops being sprayed – do you think you could comment with the company name please? I could pick one out of the yellow pages but would rather work on word of mouth recommendations. Thanks.

    Also, I love the book paper wreath you do – saw it first on Stripes by the Seaside. Very sad to find that blog is not being done anymore – any idea if it'll be back at all? Please keep up your blog as I am really enjoying it. So nice to find inspirational blogs that are right in my backyard.

    Keep writing (and painting!)

  3. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    that is truly a stunning piece, such a richness to the wood (until the urge to paint strikes!)

  4. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    I love it love it love it Lucky you.

  5. Reply

    J L S

    September 9, 2011

    your blog is AMAZING!!! I love it!!

  6. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    Der Schreibtisch ist einfach nur schoen !!! Ich mag es sehr gern, wenn das Holz schon einen starken Charakter / Patina angenommen hat und man sich vorstellen moechte, was das Moebel schon alles erlebt hat.
    Herzliche Gruesse Jacqueline

  7. Reply

    French and Sparrow

    September 9, 2011

    Gorgeous desk, what a fantastic find…loving the last image with the contrast of timber & white!
    xox Kerry

  8. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    That table is lovely Sandy!
    Love the drawers and the wide planks on top!
    Love it.
    And the piece with all the boxes..wow! Gorgeous..that must have taken some patience to paint..lol!
    Love the typewriter and the pretty colour of it as well!
    Your photos are so beautiful Sandy!
    I love that pail up on the armoire too!

    Deborah xoxoxooxox

  9. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    Lovely. I lake it!
    Bye, Monica

  10. Reply

    Ranger 911

    September 9, 2011

    Great finds! I am a new follower, and when I see all your georgeous rooms, it makes me want to grab a paintbrush and bucket of white paint and paint everything I own!

  11. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    Hi Sandy,
    I love your decor, style, and your blog. The desk is a great find. I'm so glad you found me. Thanks for following. I'm following you as well.

  12. Reply

    Cottage and Broome

    September 9, 2011

    Love the pigeon whole cupboard you painted, I'm sure that was time consuming, turned out great. Laura Cottage and Broome.

  13. Reply

    Gracefully Vintage

    September 9, 2011

    Usually I paint most things white-but lately im liking the darker woods-the worn -weathered pieces of vintage furn..
    LOVE that desk…

  14. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    What a find! Are those coffee cup circles I can see in the top? Just imagine the stories it could tell. ;)Sharyne

  15. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    HI Sandy, the desk is fab..Just picked up Country collections..LOVE LOVE LOVE..xx

  16. Reply


    September 9, 2011

    The desk is beautiful and the pigeion hole is lovely love them both.

  17. Reply


    September 10, 2011

    What a great piece. Sturdy and wonderful and full of history and mystery! xo Diana

  18. Reply

    Shabby Chic Sandy

    September 10, 2011

    Love it–is looks so good against the white!

  19. Reply


    September 10, 2011

    That company is still in business. I think it is from the 1930/40 era by the look of it. You could ask them. Lovely piece!

  20. Reply

    Stripes by the Seaside..

    September 10, 2011

    Lovely you sure do have fhe knack xxx

  21. Reply


    September 10, 2011

    Hallo Sandy
    che bella scrivania, รจ piaciuta molto anche a me!!
    Ti auguro buon weekend!!

  22. Reply


    September 10, 2011

    Loovely table. Your daughter is 'spit out of your mouth' though!

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