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Tallboy Makeover

I love seeing the potential in a piece of furniture and look forward to getting it home and transforming it into something beautiful – all ready for a new home. The stickers on this piece were so well stuck on that I have to remove them with a hot…

Snaps Around the Home

When we purchased this house six months ago I could never imagine myself using a wood heater. Now that the nights are cooling down we have lit this beauty and I must say that I wouldn’t own another home without one. Purchased a trailer load of wood which should…

Weekday Finds More Yella

Well I have done it again – I have introduced yellow into my home. Picked up this small oil painting with lovely yellow roses on it. Love the way half the painting is in blue and the remainder in yellow – $10 if anyone is interested in purchasing. Sometimes…

Yellow Roses

I’m not a fan of yellow never liked it never will – but that was until I saw the beauty in these yellow roses. Don’t think I will be painting any furniture yellow anytime soon but the roses I can handle. Not mine courtesy of the neighbours once again….