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Beachy Bookcase

I am popping in today to show you this lovely bookcase that I have just made over. Pieces are not sitting still for long so no before shot sorry.    
I have painted the inside back timber boards in a gorgeous fresh blue. Love the contrast with the white. 

Keeping it White

There has been lots of painting going on here these last two weeks. I guess that’s nothing new but the sun  is shining and its hard not too. 

Who can go wrong with white, easy to style, calm, unpretentious, beautiful and uncomplicated. 

Sheet Music Pin Wheels.

Gorgeous coffee…


It’s so nice to see the sun shining today after a huge day of thunderstorms and lots of rain. On my list of finds recently was a sunburst mirror and this week I was fortunate enough to find one.This one is made from metal and is really heavy and well…

Paint Me White

Another week flown by I can’t believe the kids are in their last term of school.  These are a few snaps of my store today all re-stocked and ready for a busy weekend.This is the second time this week I have re-stocked many pieces were snapped up early in the…