I have been mentioning on my blog lately how some things are just not meant to be painted white. Don’t get me wrong I would paint everything white if I had the chance but sometimes you need some colour in your life. Thes cute tables were screaming out for some…
Another grain sack knock off – I whipped up on Sunday afternoon. This time I made it large enough it fit a normal bed pillow in. Think I will have to make a matching one now.
I love dragging the sewing machine out makes a nice change from the paint…
This is where my blog name might have to be changed to paintmeblack. White was just not going to happen on these beauties, all along I could picture them painted black. Funny how you just know and can picture them paintd a certain colour. Other times I have to ponder…
I was back to my Friday morning thrifting and what fun I had. I don’t have a lot of turquoise around my home but yesterday for some reason I was drawn to this colour. Picked up these sweet vases for next to nothing and placed my Royal Highness rose…