The concrete was in good shape not rough and the paint that I used had a satin finish which makes it feel nice and smooth under your feet.
Well girls I did it – my completed painted concrete floors. Took me the best part of the day. Started out by cutting in and painting all the skirting boards as they were an off white. With a roller and 8 litres of concrete paint this is the end result. The paint was very easy to apply and I hope you agree that the end result is truly beautiful. What a great alternative to expensive flooring and having to worry about staining beautiful carpets. For now I think this will be a great option throughout summer and I think I will now do the same to my bedroom. Yes you guessed it the master bedroom has that revolting blue carpet too.
Wow! You work fast, Sandy. It looks so good and I mean that! Gorgeous.
Sandy!!! Your floor looks AMAZING – what a wonderful job you have done and such a huge transformation. You should be so pleased with yourself and the result – I love it!!!!!! ENJOY that gorgeous white floor, I am so envious:) Have a lovely weekend – Tina x
Chantilly Cottage
Hi Sandy
Wow… the floors look fantastic what a transformation.
Take Care.. Deb x
Kristopher K
amazing looking floors – I agree you work fast – floors, photos, blog, all wonderfully done – amazing 🙂
Katrina Chambers
Sandy – you are a legend! Look at what you did – speedy haha! I am in love with it. Bet you can't stop walking in there and have plans for more rooms 🙂
Dreaming In Pink With Roses
Looks Absolutely Heavenly Sandy!! So Beautiful to look at!! Great Work!! Gosh you really are a fast worker!
Big Hugs ~ Teresa
Sandy..fantastic…what an amazing job you have done. You have been non stop since you moved in…love your energy…you go girl!! x
Dusty Devoe
The floors look beautiful! I love the look. Can't wait to see the finished room.
It looks so fantastic Sandy – did you use normal paint or paving paint? When we did the garage a lot of it has peeled so i will have to find out what you used and go over it some time. You must be so happy with it and you got it done in record time. Mel xxx
chair up
I have to admit, I was a teeny bit skeptical when you said you were going to paint the concrete. I admit it, I was WRONG! They look GREAT. And is that one of yur dining chairs, painted, in the first picture??? Looking good.
PS Email's not working at the mo, should be fixed next week. Will be in touch.
Hi Sandy, I have been following your blog for a long time but this is my first comment, I have to say I am loving those floors, I 'thought' about painting the wooden floor in my shed but some of the gaps were so wide you could see the ground through them, after seeing yours I am wishing I had of given it a go, I could have carpeted it if it didn't work… too late now unfortunately.
Really love yours.
Alison Gibbs
It looks sensational
YAY now you have me even more excited to do ours. I was going to do it monday….but the insulation guys are coming on wednesday and i dont want them walking all over my lovely floors! LOL. what to do????
Anyway it looks beautiful hun, WELL DONE.
xx Shann
WOW! So clean!! What a difference! Lovely job Sandy, you're a wonder!
How beautiful your white floors look! It makes the room look so calm & relaxing!
well done,looks great! nice and cool for the queensland climate.. are they hard to keep looking clean?
Such event seing you daring changes I never would have imagined ! You are so amazing !
It is because of you that I dared to paint my kitchen in white and it looks soooo wonderful now (pictures in my blog)!
The floors you painted in white are absolutely "Hammer" (which is one of the greatest german compliments) – I LOVE THEM !
Like Mel, I would like to know did you use paving paint or a gloss? The room looks clean and beautiful you are to be congratulated. Julienne
The floor looks amazing!
Mary Ann Miller
Great job. I enjoy looking at your creative work!
Well it really looks great! Will it be durable or will it scuff and scratch? I would imagine it would hold up ok… and if it did scratch it would just add to the shabby chic look…or you could do touch ups!
Bravo! ((smile)) Good Job!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
It really turned out gorgoeous!!!! I love it!
wow…that looks amazing and gee you work fast…wish I had your energy right about now! Can't wait to see what you do next. Danielle x
Sandy, Sally Elizabeth closed down 2 weeks ago unfortunately, gorgeous little shop, the white cushion on the carver chair came from there.
The floors look amazing!
What paint brand did you use? I want to try this! Thanks for posting the pictures to share with us, Great work!!
Lovely! I am in the process of painting floors in my upstairs bedrooms(wood overlayment). I almost rented a concrete grinder for the concrete floors downstairs for polished concrete, but after seeing yours, I think I'll try paint. The grinder is a hassle to rent and get home. paint is easy an inexpensive!
concrete driveway
Such a fabulous interior design…
I like your concept!
concrete pumping equipment
I love the application of concrete in the overall interior design. The place is enhanced beautifully with the said flooring.
Hi I wondering about your cement floors and how they have lasted with vaccuming and daily wear and tear, I thinking about painting our floors but i have 4 kids and am worried it will scratch all the time
yours looked great