Well it has not stopped raining here for the last 48 hours we have had really strong winds and flooding up north in Noosa. Yesterday was our 15
year Wedding Anniversary and as usual my husband planned a lovely dinner at at Restaurant up on Mount Tamborine. The car ride up there was quite scary as there were tree branches everywhere all over the road. My daughter has been at camp all week and my sister decided to take my son away to see my parents for the week also so the house I must say has been very quiet indeed. The wash load was very minimal and the food in the fridge and pantry actually lasted the week. I really miss them when they are not here and will be glad when they are both home.
Being back at work has definetly impacted on my painting but still managed to get out today and find a few nice goodies. Between the pouring rain I managed to get the items into the car but will have to go back for the larger pieces next week as I did not have my van with me today. Will send through some pics over the weekend of my finds. I have a wardrobe on my wishlist at the moment just like this one pictured.
Antique Rose Designs
Hi Sandy I just found your blog through Mel’s. I was looking at your photos your house is gorgeous you have a real knack for decorating. I think I purchased fabric from you a few years ago are you still making your lamps. I have a new blog please come over for a visit. Carol
Congratulations on your anniversary! Nice that you could spend some time alone, but it really does get lonely without the little ones around. I still remember. I miss having young children but now I have the gift of grandchildren. Hugs, June
A Stitch In Thyme
Happy Anniversary.. though late. We too are getting too much rain for my own comfort. Makes everything feel damp and cold when it's unrelenting. Only upside, lots of tea & cocoa to make it all seem right again.
Cottage Contessa
Hi Sandy,happy anniversary! We celebrated our 16th wed ann on Jan 17th. Time goes so fast! Can’t wait to see your finds. I’ll bet they’re awesome! Have a great weekend……
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Katrina Chambers
Happy Anniversary! I have been hearing about all the rain up north. Please send it down here!!