Well the house hunting is still continuing as the house that we had under contract has fallen over. It had some drainage issues that were creating some settlement cracks and badly needed to be repaired. The cost was not over the top and we asked the owner to either have the work done or drop the price to cover this cost. Anyway he was not very co-operative and we have decided that its just not worth the headache and to keep looking. Sometimes you just want the house regardless as its everything you want but to be honest I don’t want to buy something that is going to need work straight away. We also faced a problem that we needed to fence the property for our kids and dog for safety reasons straight away. We discovered the block was very rocky and any digging would have been a nightmare. So you get my drift and to be honest I am quite releaved. We have also found out that there was a conract on the property some month before which fell over for the very same reason. Think you just know that in your mind its not a good idea to proceed. So we will just sit tight and I’m sure the right one will pop up sooner rather than later.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~
Sorry to hear your news but it just shows that that house was not the "one". I've always trusted by instincts and I think you'll "know" when you find the right house. Good luck and enjoy the hunt!
our shabby cottage
My Grandmother always says "if in doubt, don't". I think you have made the right decision. Better to keep looking than wish you hadn't.
Sorry to hear that, but hey lucky you found out now!! You would think the owner would do something about it?? it wasnt ment to be your house Im sure you will find one equally as stunning!!
Crystal Rose Cottage
Sandy…It was just not meant to be and the right one will come along for you. Hang in there!~Hugs, Patti
Lucinda Obrien
Sorry to hear about the house….there must be something better out there waiting for you to find it!!!
Lucinda x