I thought I would post about this old window panel that i found at my local salvage yard for no more that $20 i think at the time. Just wish I had of taken a before shot of it when it was blue & yellow. There were numerous windows there all the same but this was in much better condition with the mirrors all in perfect condition. A quick coat of white paint and presto. You can have the shutters open or closed and I think it makes a great piece to place anywhere in the home. I often see the old french door windows & doors and think they would mke up a lovely coffee table or wall display. I will have to try that next time.

Enchanted Rose Studio
How clever you are! It looks amazing over the desk! Beautiful result!
Have a lovely week!
Now THAT is gorgeous! I love, love, love it!
Crystal Rose Cottage
That is really pretty! I love how it looks on your wall!
That is so lovely and pretty. Love it very much and I wish I could be as creative as you are.
Thanks for sharing.
Dear Sandy.
I hope you dont mind for me to link your blog. Tq.
Mary Ellen (megardengal)
such a pretty piece Sandy!
blushing rose
To DIE for … I am going to look now to do this. Love it. TTFN ~Marydon
Alison Gibbs
That looks fabulous.
Connie from Big Bear Lake California
It is really lovely!! So is your blog. I am having a Giveaway. Stop by. Hugs! Connie
I just love it! I noticed it immediately when I first saw your blog, and have been admiring it ever since…I keep my eyes open for something just like it, and if I don't find it, I'm making one myself!
Lauren Stuart & Madeline
I know this was posted a very long time ago, but I have been looking and looking for a used/old window panel. Would you have any ideas of where I could find one. I love what you have done with yours. Let me know what you think?
I Love what you did here with this piece! Its gorgeous!!
And its perfect on top of that dresser…completes it perfectly!!
Deborah xo
Rosaria Amorim
Olá Sandy, sei que este post já tem bastante tempo ,mas eu amei seu blog eu amo tudo branco e estava pesquisando [janela velha] pois já fiz duas e tenho mais uma para fazer adorei a sua .Você é muito criativa tudo aqui é lindo demais estou te seguindo vai no meu blog ver minha janela também é do lixo, mas está um show.Sou do Brasil . bjs Rosaria Amorim