The owner told me that she was driving along one day and the guy in front of her had all this furniture on his truck, the items were not secured and one of the five drawers fell off the truck and was smashed. She followed the truck to tell the man but guess where he was heading anyway “the tip”. He said it made no difference to him as he was dumping the piece anyway. She asked if she could have it and the man glady handed it over to her. Therefore I had the job of finding a cabinet maker who could make a new drawer. This was quite easy and I managed to find a local tradesman that made me a new drawer in no time at all. The drawer are all silky oak inside and with the piece being already sripped I did paint it white. The piece cost me $20 and the new drawer $100 but completely worth every cent.

blushing rose
THIS is AWESOME! You did good, my friend. I love it.
Have a lovely autumn eve. TTFN ~Marydon
It's amazing what some people think is junk, and others think is a treasure…and this piece is definitely a treasure!!!
🙂 T
Katrina Chambers
What a great story! How lucky were you??!!! I am so jealous and love it to bits 🙂
Oh I love it! It looks awesome in white too.
Great find!
English Cottage in Georgia
What a wonderful eye for beauty you possess. I love the piece and love that you gave it a new life:-)
Bumble Bee Cottage
It always amazes me that people don't see the value in such lovely things. I guess alot of people prefer 'new' and 'modern'; well there is no accountig for taste 🙂
chair up
I can't believe they were going to be dumped at the tip! Good score Sandy.
Happy hunting tomorrow…
The Pink Poodle
Hi sandy…how fantastic…
& the story behind it all is equally amazing..
hey…I think you should write a book…documenting all this stuff..all your makeovers etc..
Lovely pics of before & after…hands on photos…flea market finds..
shabby … french…flea junk market…ITS ALL THERE!!! & WE all want to read it!!! know about it…
food for thought??
xx andrea
Alison Gibbs
Sandy what a beautiful piece and such gorgeous detail
Sandy that is an amazing piece! What a story about how it was saved from rotting away in a landfil. It is so beautiful now.
Bellamere Cottage
What a yummy piece! You've done a wonderful job giving it new life. Isn't that just the most satisfying thing?
Pearl Maple
Well done, she looks so pretty with the new coat of paint.
Sandra~Romantique Inspirations~
Oh wow Sandy, this really is a nice piece, so useful and versatile. It's something you can put anywhere in a house. By the way girl, I have the same scrolly thingy you have on the side of it. What the heck do you call it. I'm really sick at the moment and can't sleep so here I am and I can't even think straight. Anyways, I painted my black to go with the stuff outside.
Have a Good ONe-