Are you like me and sit there in your home wondering what you can do next to make it look even better. Plotting the next project or small renovation. I had this vision that this entry would look amazing with french doors so I set out to find myself some. I found the best pair on ebay, perfect size, clear glass 12 panels – Oh boy how excited was I. My very handy husband who is a carpenter by trade had these beauties installed in no time at all. They are all chippy and old just how I like them. They just finish the room and look like they were meant to always be there. Don’t you love it when things turn out how you see them in your mind. Sandy x
Love the french doors. Love the old chippy look too but perhaps that is because we have too many to paint!! French doors are wonderful anywhere anytime.
They look gorgeous Sandy! They make such a difference to that entry way. Great job:) ~ Tina x
Beach Vintage
They really do make a huge difference Sandy. Love them.
The Pink Poodle
Hey Sandy…those doors are fabulous…& I cannot believe that you FOUND the perfect FIT on ebay..
(hey…just as i am trying to leave you this message..byron has skyped me…so I am trying to talk to him & write my message to you..so if it is a bit psycho…that is my excuse..
he said a woman is supposed to be able to MULTI TASK…hey..not ME!!)..
xx andrea
Maison Charmante
Great work Sandy! I love french doors…
Alison Gibbs
Sandy they look like they've been there forever.
Lucky you having a chippy/carpenter for a husband.
Oh wow you did it – cannot wait to see – they look beautiful. whats the next project? Mel xxx
wow what a difference!! they are just beautiful and really just add to that doorway.. yup im constantly in plot mode.. im doing it as i type this… lol painting my kitchen bench hahahaha
look forward to seeing more of your ideas as they unfold
have a beautiful week
Vic xxx
OHH Love the french doors! SO pretty! Great addition! Lovely ~lulu
I just love them! Don't they make such a difference. Can't wait to put ours up! take care, Maryann
Oh Sandy..you must be so chuffed..they turned out a treat…a great vision you had there..like they were always meant to be there…and its always handy..to have a HANDY husband around too…Gold star to both of you..well done!
chair up
So YOU were the high bidder!!! (just kidding,lol)
I, too, am on the lookout for some french doors like these, but I'll have to pay a carpenter to do the woodwork for me! You lucky thing, they look sooo good.
beautiful difference…& i looovvveee french doors!
Crystal Rose Cottage
They look beautiful! I love French doors…I have them going to the outside but none indoors. Your vision was right…they look great!~Patti
My Yellow House
I would have French doors in every room if I could! Yours are GORGEOUS! They change the look of the room entirely ~ I'm envious over here and you can bet that I will be begging my husband for a pair!
Sarah 🙂
Great idea that turned out fabulous!!!
Oh I lOvE them! They do look like they have always been there. My hubby is a carpenter too and he installed two sets of french doors where my youngest daughter's room is, which is next to the dining and parlor room. I lOvE them. I have hopes to turn that room into my art studio one day. Your cottage is so lovely. I admired how you decorate. I think Rachel Ashwell would be right at home in your cottage. Have a beautiful day lounging on that sofa next to your new french doors ooohhing and aaaahhhing over them!
McCarthy Designs
Oh Sandy they look gorgeous! I love them. I wish things went up that quickly around our place! xx
They look great Sandy, don't you just love it when a plan comes together!
Think all the girls out there include me are all envied of you Sandy, for having a luck on the ebay,a nd for having a carpenter-husband! Wish I could have any one of it ie the just perfect match at ebay and a handy husband but not Sandy's!!!
I tried to leave a message to say I liked your doors yesterday but I got spat out of the computer. A big thumbs up from me! And lucky you for marrying a chippy!!
Oh I love the doors – they look great. We are thinking of doing something similar in our house – we already have solid double doors between our living room and our dining room and want to change these for glazed doors. Hope they look as good as yours!
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