If you want to see some of my before & after’s you can head over here. Such an honour – thankyou Katrina. Well I had my market stall on the weekend and it was a huge success. Managed to sell quite a bit of bric a brac I had lying around and received a great response from the locals. Thanks to all that came down and had breakfast it was a lovely morning.
Hi Sandy, I will go straight there, I loooove b4 and afters!! I picked up a postage package thingie from the post office today and will send paper asap. Can I just say how stunning your daughter is!! You will have to lock her up when she is a teenager!! your little guy is a cutie too! Laura xx
laura - my summerhouse
Hi Sandy, I will go straight there, I loooove b4 and afters!! I picked up a postage package thingie from the post office today and will send paper asap. Can I just say how stunning your daughter is!! You will have to lock her up when she is a teenager!! your little guy is a cutie too!
Laura xx
I'm glad your event was successful, but still wish I could have been there!!!
Glad your market stall was a success! Now just on my was over to check out the before & afters.
Crystal Rose Cottage
Sandy….Congratss on your successful weekend! I am going to check out your before and afters…I know I won't be disappointed!~Hugs, Patti