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White Painted Timber Stairs

Final Coat
My parents have timber flooring in their home but to blend in with the beachy theme they decided to paint their stairs white.
If you have a high traffic area at home and love the white floor look then I suggest the following tips when painting your timber floors.
Step 1: is to fill any holes or imperfections with a timber filler.
Step 2: sand your floors thoroughly using a hand sander, this will prepare the surface ready for the undercoat.
Step: 3 Apply one coat of Weather Fast Marine paint. The brand is Norglass and we bought one litre which undercoated the whole staircase cost approx $30.

Step 4: Once all undercoated and left to dry we then applied Norglass Weatherfast Premium Enamel. This paint is an Ultra High Gloss and was tinted to the colour of our choice which was Chalk USA. Personally this colour is a little on the creamy side for me and I would much prefer a whiter colour like Dulux Antique White USA.
Clean up in turps – product cost around $35.
Using this marine paint makes for fantastic durability in high traffic areas and to be honest I think I will use this paint to go over my concrete floors at home.

Keep in mind that this look is for the clean cut look and not the shabby distressed look. If your wanting the floors to be distressed then you would have to sand them after and rough up the edges.
Because this product was a high gloss there was no need to apply any sealer over the top as the product had a polyurethane already in it.
Also note: that white floors are hardwork to keep clean. They show up every little hair or general bits & pieces coming in off your shoes. The floors can be mopped, vacuumed and are easy to clean but if your a complete neat freak then maybe white floors are not for you.  These floors have been done for a few months now and they have NOT chipped or cracked and look perfect as the day they were done.

These are not the actual stairs at my parents place but very similar, just to give you the general idea of what they were like before.


Posted by Picasa
November 3, 2010
November 6, 2010



  1. Reply

    The Pink Poodle

    November 4, 2010

    Hi sandy….the stairs look lovely…

    the lamp in your last post will obviously blend in beautifully in your parent's home..

    xx andrea

  2. Reply


    November 4, 2010

    What a beautiful clean look to them…
    I really like these.
    Thanks for the how-to..you're always so helpful.
    Our stairs to our split level need sanding and painting too..
    thanks for the preview of how they could look!

    Deborah xo

  3. Reply

    Roseheath House Boutique Accommodation

    November 4, 2010

    Hi Sandy, Thanks for commenting on the yoyo quilt in my post at Roseheath House Boutique Accommodation and I am glad you like the cottages. I think these stairs look fabulous in white and what a great job you have done. 100% improvement in my view. Love the look! White is definitely the colour or the moment. Love your furniture. As I've written this I am looking at a blue chest of drawers in the pic next to the window where you say 'love this colour' and the same chest is in a shop near to me and I've been procrastinating about buying it all year! I love it too! Andrea Brook – South Australia

  4. Reply

    Suzanne@Meridian Road

    November 4, 2010

    I love them white. I've never heard of the paint you used, but I'm happy you shared. I plan on painting some floors soon. So thank you!

  5. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    What a transformation! Looks glorious! I enjoy your blog so much. Come visit me at my new blog for a Thanksgiving giveaway-

  6. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    Love the new look! My husband and I are thinking of painting our stairs white also, yours looks great!
    Love your blog and I have put you on my side bar!

  7. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    They look absolutely fabulous! Great job and they are holding up beautifully! Hugs-Diana

  8. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    Thanks for the tips on painting the stairs. I contemplated this when we moved and ripped up the red (!) carpet in the new house, but chickened out and went for engineered wood (quite tricky). I was unsure about how to go about it. If I'd read this first, we may have had a different result!

  9. Reply

    Restyled Vintage

    November 5, 2010

    Wow they look beautiful Sandy. I have decided that your parents must be so cool…what with your Dad and his beautiful furniture, and their house, just so gorgeous…I can't see my parents ever being so brave as to paint everything white!

    xx Karen

  10. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    Love the white but alas not for me! Had white floors before and you are right about everything showing and I am just not that keen on mopping floors!!!!!

  11. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    Oh they look great, I bet your parents are thrilled with the outcome. Thanks for sharing the 'how to' with us. Have a lovely weekend. 😉

  12. Reply


    November 5, 2010

    So pretty. I would love to rip the carpet all my steps and paint them. Hubby not so much!

  13. Reply

    Texas Crafter

    November 15, 2010

    So Pretty and frsh. I love it all !