It’s not very often I find porthole style mirrors and they make a great statement in any room.
This one is quite large and just needed a few coats of white paint to cover up the original gold colour.
Gorgeous blue ceramic eggs.
And loads of vintage bottles.

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Qra Domowa
beautiful !!
Oh yes, love the porthole mirror – especially in white!
Beautiful photos. So very romantic.
Love your blog.
Julie x
Very pretty Sandy! I love the vingettes you've created too.
I love those old porthole mirrors. Which makes me think…hmmm..I wonder where my own is now that we moved? Bears checking into now that I have seen yours! xo Diana
Cherish Maree Vintage
i love your blog. I have a round mirror i am looking at painting white and want to know do you remove the mirror from the frame when painting? thanks!
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The Painted Parlor
You take amazing, luxurious photos!! I love your blog, so inspiring!!
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Gorgeous vignette! I just adore those blue eggs…what a find! Lovely xx Jac xx
I’ve just stumbled upon your lovely blog. I look forward to popping by again for some more inspiration! I'm just new into blogging this year & have put together a daily blog on design, fashion, food, travel and anything pretty. and one on everything coastal
I had a lot of fun putting them together maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute.
The mirror is beautiful !
Sandy I was just writing you a comment on your post and published it and then realized I had written it on another blog!
Hahahahah…fortunately it was my sisters blog post and I was able to delete it. Lol
Im so silly sometimes!
Anyways, I must be tired..I just finished work and I wanted to say that I love that mirror and tell you how gorgeous it looks in white!
Beautiful display with those vintage bottles and blooms!
Have a great day sweet friend!
Sandy, I'm almost ready to paint the kitchen or bedroom!
I'm not sure which one will be first. :s xoxo
Deborah xoxoxoxo
A gal can never have enough vintage bottles.
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I am looking for the sign-Bread and pastries Freshly baked….Did you have a tutorial on it?
Love the porthole mirror!
San Diego Catering
Gild and Grace
That is one gorgeous mirror! I've just stumbled across your lovely blog, so pretty! Abbey x